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Disney Villains Maleficent #2





Disney Villains Maleficent #2 


I was recently able to read through the Disney Villains Maleficent #2 comic book. The dreery art in Disney Villains Maleficent #2 is a real downer. The art is dark and depressing in my personal opinion. I am not a fan of the art in Disney Villains Maleficent #2 in any way, shape or form. The story line within Disney Villains Maleficent #2 is also on the depressing side. Disney Villains Maleficent #2 feels like a horror comic book to me. There will be spoilers in this review.

Prince Gavin is on a quest to find his runaway brother. We figure out pretty quickly that the young man Maleficent turned into a wolf is the brother of Prince Gavin. He earned his punishment and is in essence lost to his family forever. Maleficent is having fun with this family and feels there is some more fun to be had. The crow and snake obey Maleficent even if they disagree with her on letting the human leave. Trouble will be coming back to her dark forest in the future.

Maleficent admits to her evil deeds to Prince Gavin. The prince wants to see if she can reverse it and save his brother. Maleficent has no interest in doing this nice deed. After all the young man earned his punishment for trying to steal from her after she gave him a wonderful gift. She gave him another gift by making him into a wolf. I am not sure I agree with the whole wolf thing being a gift but what do I know. There is a nice streak in Maleficent at times.

Disney Villains Maleficent #2 contains twenty-two pages of comic book content, one of next month's covers, advertisements and then the cover gallery. There are numerous pages in Disney Villains Maleficent #2 with little to no text in them. Those pages are pretty easy to read. I feel bad for this family in Disney Villains Maleficent #2. The brother that ran away felt pressured. Maleficent asked why he ran away if he was so loved. This is an excellent question that also accuses.

Maleficent does not seem to understand that some people that run away are doing so of their own free will. Not everyone can handle a good loving family. Some people do not want any responsibility. I do appreciate that Maleficent did nothing to harm Prince Gavin in Disney Villains Maleficent #2. At least nothing physically. I guess an argument could be made that she did harm him emotionally and possibly psychologically. She also made an enemy of an upcoming king. Is that wise?
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Writing: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Lee, Eckleberry, Chung, Cosby
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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