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Disney Villains Maleficent #3





Disney Villains Maleficent #3 


I really hope that Disney Villains Maleficent series ends after the next issue like the Disney Villains Scar series did. Disney Villains Maleficent #3 feels like such a waste of paper to me. I will get into that a bit more in just a little bit. The art in Disney Villains Maleficent #3 continues to be dark, dreary, and quite honestly ugly. I am not a fan of the art used in Disney Villains Maleficent #3. There will be spoilers in this review.

There is hardly any dialogue in Disney Villains Maleficent #3 whatsoever. In fact the amount of words used in Disney Villains Maleficent #3 are so few that they might equal half of one of the paragraphs used in this review. It might reach that level. I am probably being a little too generous with Disney Villains Maleficent #3 as well. This was the issue I referenced earlier. That is why Disney Villains Maleficent #3 feels like a waste of paper.

It cost me $3.99 to purchase Disney Villains Maleficent #3 before all of the taxes were applied to it. I think the cost should be less since there are hardly any words. The story in Disney Villains Maleficent #3 is about a crow and a bobcat. The crow leaves Maleficent to spy. That is what I thought the crow was going to do. Instead this crow annoys and pesters a bobcat. Why was this done? Why was this needed?

Disney Villains Maleficent #3 only shows me that the animals working for Maleficent are mean, hateful, and nasty themselves. The crow costs the bobcat a meal. That could mean the bobcat will die. So the bobcat goes after the crow which flies away before it is eaten. The poor bobcat winds up in a bunch of thorns. That crow in Disney Villains Maleficent #3 is just horrible in my personal opinion.

Disney Villains Maleficent #3 contains twenty-two pages of comic book content, then one of the front covers to the next issue, then some advertisements, and finally the cover gallery for this issue. The cover gallery is the most interesting thing about Disney Villains Maleficent #3 to me. Isn't that sad? This is not a Pokemon situation though. I am not going to collect them all. I had someone tell me that about comic book covers and I was like no.
- Paul


Graphics: 54%
Writing: 63%
Replay/Extras: 71%
Story: 63%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Lee, Eckleberry, Chung, Cosby
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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