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Disney Villains Scar #1





Disney Villains Scar #1 


I am very thankful I had enough money to purchase a copy of the Disney Villains Scar #1 comic book.There are twenty-seven pages of content within Disney Villains Scar #1. Then the editor Brown has a few pages where he answers some questions related to this franchise, character, and connection. Disney Villains Scar #1 rounds out with some advertisements and then alternate covers. There are a couple of pages in the last section of Disney Villains Scar #1 showing off one of the covers of the next issue.

There are so many interesting moral issues within Disney Villains Scar #1. Scar is jealous of his brother and nephew. Scar feels like he should be the leader. Scar is a clever lion and does not understand why it is not his destiny to lead. Some vultures find Scar and will be interesting characters going forward. Their goal is to have their bellies full. They are looking for the best way to make that happen.

Wildebeests attack Scar in a horrible manner in Disney Villains Scar #1. They wind up knocking him off a cliff. It seems to me those prey are trying to kill a noble member of royalty. All because Scar did what lions do best - they hunt the weak, young, and disabled. The intelligence of the Wildebeests seemed a bit high in Disney Villains Scar #1 to me. Especially how they unified to attack Scar.

Rafiki is in Disney Villains Scar #1 as well. He tries to knock some sense into Scar - literally. Rafiki explains to Scar that his jealousy and ego are his main problems. At that point Rafiki makes an enemy out of Scar. He also sets up the resolve of Scar. From what I understand we will learn more about the alliances Scar makes to get himself to the throne in The Lion King movie. I see how readers are supposed to feel bad for Scar. At the same time he could choose a better path.

Disney Villains Scar #1 is interesting to the say the least. I do think those that choose the path of evil are the ones making the mistakes. We all must deal with things we do not want to do, or like to do. I deal with issues and problems every single day. There are very little things in my life exactly where I want them to be. I could be mean and hateful to everyone who is more blessed than me or continue to do the right thing, and be obedient to God. I choose to be obedient to God.
- Paul


Graphics: 68%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Brown, Fraley
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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