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Disney Villains Scar #2





Disney Villains Scar #2 


I am so very blessed to be able to purchase, read, and review the Disney Villains Scar #2 comic book. I am still on the fence about this series. Thus far it is doing enough to keep me interested. At the same time the whole bad guy being the focus is a bit backwards. Scar is definitely very jealous. Scar is definitely not thankful for his place. Scar definitely abuses others. I still do not know why Scar acts this way. There will be spoilers in this review.

Disney Villains Scar #2 shows us how selfish Scar is. He convinces some lionesses to hunt down a zebra for him. He then takes the kill from them. The whole I am royalty bit does get a bit old in my personal opinion. There is some violence within Disney Villains Scar #2. Thankfully the blood was left out. There is talk of eating the zebra but nothing graphic is shown. I appreciate that. I know plenty of families will as well.

We get to know Kabeer and Krass a bit better in Disney Villains Scar #2. Those two vultures introduce themselves to Scar. They have a plan. They want to introduce him to the hyenas and have them pair up. Scar of course wants to know what is in it for them. They admit they get more food. Scar appreciates how they are only interested in their own self interests. Obviously Scar can relate to that in Disney Villains Scar #2.

I am still curious how and why Scar is so self centered. He thinks he should lead. But why should he lead? What are his qualifications? He is not the strongest, so I am baffled as to his logic. I am guessing that Scar thinks he is smarter than others. I have seen smarter fighters win in combat over stronger opponents. Scar was obviously not able to do so. So he must concede that his intellect is not able to outsmart his brother's power. Not yet at least.

There are twenty-three pages of content within Disney Villains Scar #2. After that content we get a page devoted to next month, and then some advertisements. There is some decent art within Disney Villains Scar #2. The conversation the zebras had at the beginning of Disney Villains Scar #2 shows the concerns they have. Of course it would be easy to say the zebras are only about their own self interest as well.
- Paul


Graphics: 67%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 78%
Story: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 66%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Brown, Fraley
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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