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Disney Villains Scar #3





Disney Villains Scar #3 


The more I read this series the more I wonder when it will finally catch up with the movie. What will this series do after that? I suppose I will need to keep reading to find out. Maybe this will be a limited run for only so many issues. I did a little research and was unable to find a definitive answer at this time. There are plenty of interesting characters within Disney Villains Scar #3. There will be spoilers in this review.

Scar is brought to the hyena area thanks to Kabeer and Krass - two vultures. They wanted to introduce Scar to Shenzi. Shenzi is a hyena that is strong. The hyenas are in the process of deciding which of them will become dinner. Whomever breaks a bone with their bite is the one that the others eat. What kind of a psycho comes up with such a plan? The answer is Queen Zuhour. Scar offers her a proposal in Disney Villains Scar #3.

The proposal from Scar to Queen Zuhour is they work together. Scar must bring them food to prove his worth and value. At the end of Disney Villains Scar #3 Scar has some helpers in the hunt. The helpers Scar has in Disney Villains Scar #3 are Banzai, Ed, and of course Shenzi. Shenzi makes an interesting point in Disney Villains Scar #3 about how the Queen is trying to weed out the strong that may challenge her in the near future.

The vultures fly off when Scar goes among the hyenas to offer his proposal. I must admit that Disney Villains Scar #3 makes Scar look very intelligent and brave. If Scar was just a coward he would not be able to approach Queen Zuhour as he does in Disney Villains Scar #3. His vision for the future is also laid out quite well. The one problem is when it is implemented then the Pride Lands winds up getting desolate like the hyena area.

Too many predators and too few prey is a serious problem in nature that must be balanced out or both wind up starving to death. Disney Villains Scar #3 contains twenty-two pages of comic book content, one of next month's covers, some advertisements and then the cover gallery. I am not the biggest on the art within Disney Villains Scar #3. There is no violence unless you count a bone being broken in two.
- Paul


Graphics: 69%
Writing: 71%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 68%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Brown, Fraley
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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