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Disney Villains Scar #4





Disney Villains Scar #4 


We are getting a whole lot closer to the movie in Disney Villains Scar #4. I am honestly surprised at how things are getting there. Disney Villains Scar #4 starts in a very interesting fashion as well. There are different styles of art used in Disney Villains Scar #4 to set the stage. I will explain more of that in just a little bit. Expect spoilers in this review of the Disney Villains Scar #4 comic book.

Disney Villains Scar #4 starts us out with Scar in a dream thanks to a magic spell cast by Rafiki. Scar is shown the future of the Pride Lands in this dream. The art used around the panels really sets it apart and helps the reader understand we are in a dream. This is not real. I appreciate that aspect to Disney Villains Scar #4. After that there is white in the background and around the panels.

Scar's plan unfolds in Disney Villains Scar #4. Scar creates a diversion to grab the attention of King Mufasa. Scar then has hyenas herd the wildebeests to a canyon. Queen Zuhour compliments Scar only to be knocked down into the ravine. The queen survives and plans on attacking Scar with those loyal to her. The vultures show up with a lot of birds and attack her and those stragglers. The hyenas behind Scar can then go and feast.

The issues families can have with Disney Villains Scar #4 are violence, blood, magic, and more. Scar is looking more and more wicked in Disney Villains Scar #4. This issue is the last one in this series. I did not realize it at first but Disney Villains Scar #4 wraps up the story. Everything is now in place for the events of the movie to take place. I supposed there is no more need for this series. Although we could find out what happens in the middle of the movie.

Disney Villains Scar #4 contains twenty-two pages of comic book content, then some advertisements and finally the cover gallery. Disney Villains Scar has been an interesting series to read. I felt like it kept getting worse as the issues progress. Disney Villains Scar #4 is interesting to see Scar go completely evil. There is no conflict in Scar in Disney Villains Scar #4. He betrays others at the drop of a hat.
- Paul


Graphics: 67%
Writing: 71%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 66%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Brown, Fraley
Rating: ‘T' for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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