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Doctor Strange #1





Doctor Strange #1 


I wanted to order some comic books from eBay since none of our local comic book stores had them. They had a deal concerning the shipping and a discount if I ordered five comic books from them. Doctor Strange #1 is one of the comic books they had that I hoped might be interesting. I also knew there could be plenty of problems concerning Doctor Strange #1. There will be spoilers in this review of the Doctor Strange #1 comic book.

I have only been back in the comic book industry for around a year now. I did not know what had been going on concerning this character. After two pages of comic book content we then get the recap and credits page. I learned that Doctor Strange had been dead and that his wife Clea had taken over his role. She is the sorcerer supreme from the dark dimension. They meet with Aggamon in Doctor Strange #1. He kills people right in front of them. That blood must be avenged.

What is interesting about Doctor Strange #1 is Aggamon took part in the death of Doctor Strange. It also looks like Aggamon is dead at the end of Doctor Strange #1. I learned about W.A.N.D. thanks to Doctor Strange #1. I am not that big on the art within Doctor Strange #1. There are twenty-two pages of the mainline comic book content, and then eight pages of a story called Freak Out. Advertisements can be found throughout the Doctor Strange #1 comic book.

The issues families will have with Doctor Strange #1 are violence, blood, gore, lack of attire, enticement to lust, occult, and more. There are all kinds of odd creatures in Doctor Strange #1. There are demons, mythical creatures and more. Doctor Strange #1 shows us that Doctor Strange opens up for business to different heroes when they face magical problems. Like Spider-Man losing his soul to a demon.

I like how husband and wife were reunited in Doctor Strange #1. I did not know much about this married couple before this comic book. Clea Strange seems to be a bit of a hot head in Doctor Strange #1 to me. I doubt I will continue reading this comic book series. It did not connect with me or reach me. I wish the place I was purchasing from had other comic books I was missing. The Storm breaker in Doctor Strange #1 is pretty lame.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 60%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Story: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: MacKay, Ferry, Hollingsworth
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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