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Dr. Stone 11





Dr. Stone 11 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase and read Dr. Stone 11. This manga continues to develop the second major storyline. Please note there will be spoilers in this review. There are a ton of scientific advancements made in Dr. Stone 11. We have a flight in a hot air balloon. We get sonar, photography, oil, speed boat, minecarts, and more. The advancements in Dr. Stone 11 are actually quite impressive. They have plenty of labor and that leads to wheat fields being planted and cultivated. They also domesticate some pigs in Dr. Stone 11. It is really neat to see how this culture is advancing.

The biggest shocker in Dr. Stone 11 is when they get a message from someone they assume is on the other side of the world. Dr. Stone 11 is a lot of prep work to get to the other side of the world to find the secret of what petrified humans and other life in the first place. We now have a Why man that may or may not be connected to that event. Of course how could someone live 3,700+ years? That is a question posed within Dr. Stone 11. I will have to keep reading to find the answers to that question.

The issues families will have with Dr. Stone 11 are false gods, nudity, comic mischief, cartoon violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. I loved how Dr. Stone 11 explained the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture. Mapping is another big thing in Dr. Stone 11. As well as finding the right spots for the resources they needed. X-rays are also referenced in Dr. Stone 11. Chrome shows his brilliance yet again in Dr. Stone 11. He finds a large iron ore deposit after he learns about sonar.

I noticed the potentially offensive content to families has been lowered in Dr. Stone 11. There are a few things in Dr. Stone 11 that made no sense to me. For example the old man is in a suit and gets all excited about getting to work on something. So he ripped his clothes off. Why? Is this a Japanese thing? It just seems a bit odd to me personally. The money and greed element is also touched upon in Dr. Stone 11. Senku better watch out because some of the new characters pose a leadership threat.

All in all I enjoyed Dr. Stone 11. There are plenty of cool improvements within Dr. Stone 11. I love how the different communities communicate and work together in Dr. Stone 11. It is so neat to see all these characters working together toward a common goal. I am really excited to see that giant boat finally finished. The cooking of bread was extremely fascinating to me. I hope to see more aspects like that in the future of this franchise.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Riichiro Inagaki
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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