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Dr. Stone 15





Dr. Stone 15 


Things really start to heat up in Dr. Stone 15. The battle for the island takes twists and turns. There will be spoilers in this review of this manga. Senku has a sound plan in Dr. Stone 15. Force the enemy to use the petrification weapon on them, and then use a drone to capture it out of the air. Thing is the enemy is a bit on the cautious side and plans a trap for Senku’s trap. The enemy plans on getting off the island on the ship, and turning everyone on the island into stone. They are not aware of the ability to fix people who have been turned to stone.

The alliance of Moz shifts and Senku is forced to revive Hyoga. Then there is a question of whom Hyoga will side with. Thankfully he sides with the kingdom of science and fights against Moz. That battle takes some twists and turns until the kingdom of science can give Hyoga an advantage in the spear battle. The gun is used to hurt the old man from the enemy side. It also runs out of bullets. The kingdom of science captures the petrification weapon for a short time and then it is used on the entire island near the end.

The issues families can have with Dr. Stone 15 are blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. There is certainly some back and forth strategy going on in Dr. Stone 15. Certain characters appear at the opportune moment to change the tides of the battle in Dr. Stone 15. The islanders of Treasure Island think the kingdom of science is performing some sorcery. The kingdom of science use that superstition to their advantage. The village elder is also put back together mostly in Dr. Stone 15. There are some pieces missing.

There are plenty of action panels within Dr. Stone 15. I felt like Dr. Stone 15 went by pretty quickly because there were not as many words to read. The good news is I like the action and seeing some progress with the plans. I am curious to see how Senku will get the team out of this jam as the petrification attack is coming their way. How will Senku survive?

I felt like the lack of attire issues are a bit less within Dr. Stone 15. There is some blood and violent content. Magma had a few good moments within Dr. Stone 15. His lust for power is still there. Senku only cares about science. I think he should let some others have some of the reigns of power like a cabinet of sorts. I hope Kirisame has seen the light on who is good and who is bad in Dr. Stone 15. I guess I will need to keep reading to find out.
- Paul


Graphics: 57%
Writing: 74%
Replay/Extras: 74%
Story: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 63%

System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Riichiro Inagaki
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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