Dr. Stone 20
I am very thankful I had the money to
purchase a copy of Dr. Stone 20. Normally I read different manga books
in the same month. Or a graphic novel, or a comic book, or something
else. This month I decided to blitz on Dr. Stone. The storyline is
getting interesting. There is a race between the science team, and
people from corn city. They are going down to South America to find the
original source of the petrification weapon. There will be spoilers in
this review.
Motorcycles and rubber are the two big inventions in Dr. Stone 20. Dr.
Xeno is still a prisoner of the kingdom of science. He works with Senku
to find the original source as well as other things that come up.
Stanley is hot on their trail with their own aircraft carrier. Dr. Stone
20 shows how Senku is constantly one step ahead of Stanley. The Panama
Canal is also referenced in Dr. Stone 20. I am wondering if it still
there or not.
I love how rubber is explained in Dr. Stone 20. A watchmaker that is shy
around girls is able to take apart the petrification weapon and figure
out how it works sort of. A diamond was in there and that may have been
the power source. He accidentally turns it on and petrifies himself. He
is revived to learn from the experience. This feels like something Senku
planned but I am not sure what the end game is there. He is giving his
enemies a weapon they can use against him. That does not seem very wise
to me. What do you think?
The issues families can have with Dr. Stone 20 are lack of attire,
enticement to lust, blood, and more. Stanley is hunting down the doctors
and they are trying to get away. Dr. Xeno does communicate via his eyes
and Morse code. I am not clear what he communicated to them. I am also
not clear on how Senku will win these people over. Especially with so
many of his comrades captured.
Dr. Stone 20 is showing me how interesting this whole storyline is
becoming. I am very curious to find out where this series is going after
Dr. Stone 20. What will they find at those coordinates? Will they find
people at the origin of the petrification weapon? The math they used to
figure it out was actually impressive.
- Paul
Graphics: 65%
Writing: 78%
Replay/Extras: 78%
Story: 77%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%
System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Riichiro Inagaki
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}
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