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Dragonball Season Five





Dragonball Season Five 


As promised I have finally finished the original Dragonball series with this review of Dragonball Season Five. Be aware there will be spoilers in this review. The jump from kid Goku to adult Goku is very rapid indeed. I did not honestly expect that to happen. We learn about the connection of Kami and Piccolo in Dragonball Season Five. We also see the Martial Arts Tournament that Goku winds up winning. There are plenty of transitions within Dragonball Season Five to Dragonball Z.

The issues families will have with Dragonball Season Five are blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, perverts, magic, fortune teller, odd afterlife beliefs, spirits, ghosts, coming back to life, and more. Goku goes and trains under Kami who is in some odd building way in the sky. Chichi and Goku get married in the last episode of Dragonball Season Five. If you know Dragonball Z then you know they have children together and Chichi is the dutiful wife.

Training is considered very important in Dragonball Season Five. Characters train in different manners and fashions in Dragonball Season Five. We do not get to see much of the training Piccolo goes through in Dragonball Season Five though. Piccolo does learn some pretty impressive moves. Goku must stop the crowd from being hurt in their Martial Arts Tournament fight. How Goku wins the tournament is actually pretty impressive. It looked really bleak there for a bit. Piccolo really changes drastically in Dragonball Z.

I found it interesting how they brought the Eternal Dragon back to life in Dragonball Season Five. Since we have the original Dragonball Season Five we were able to see Mr Popo how he was originally designed. Cancel Culture snowflakes have gotten that changed in subsequent iterations of this content. I know a wide array of people and not one has ever told me they were offended by the original color scheme and design of Mr Popo. In fact some told me they were happy to see that representation in anime.

Quite a few loose ends are tied up nicely in Dragonball Season Five. Goku continues to be extremely clueless about a great many things in Dragonball Season Five. That of course continues into Dragonball Z. I am happy to have finally finished the original Dragonball series on DVD.
- Paul


Graphics: 45%
Sound: 55%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 45%

System: DVD
Publisher: Funimation Entertainment
Developer: Toei Animation
Rating: ‘TV14’ - FOURTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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