Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3
At this point with Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 I am not getting
the point. Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 does shake things up a bit.
This time we have some unrelated story for the first eight pages, and
then twelve pages of the main story. At least I think this story is
unrelated. It can be difficult to tell. Is it a memory? Does it connect
to one of the characters? I really cannot tell at this point. There will
be spoilers in this review.
The first eight pages of Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 is a story
about a young dusk elf couple. The woman Sariel goes out to find a cure
for her husband. She goes to this witch Alma. The witch tells her about
how the land is cursed and the curse is coming for her husband Aelar.
Sariel goes off on a quest to find these three flowers. Along the way
she starts to vanish. She completes the quest and is gone herself.
Pretty dark and depressing. Aelar does recover thanks to the witch.
Then we have twelve pages about the young lady Miranda. She is getting
some more memories back and really wants to explore outside the prison
she is confined to. She does get free and winds up getting saved from a
monster by Elise. The doctor Viktra arrives with a gun to keep Elise
away from Miranda. Although all does not seem right here with this
scenario. Some of the things Elise said make me think Viktra is the true
villain here.
The issues families will have with Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 are
blood, violence, magic, witchcraft, curses, lies and more. Dungeons &
Dragons Ravenloft #3 is pretty dark and depressing. The characters seem
to have little hope. After the main story there is a page showing next
month's cover, the alternate cover and some advertisements. Viktra
claims at the end of Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 that she is
reasonably humane.
By letting us meet Elise Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 opens up a bit
of the onion in terms of what is going on this world. I am getting tired
of the darkness and the side stories that do not seem to relate. This
comic book has two more issues to convince me to continue reading it.
Unless something major happens I plan on dropping this one after issue
#5. Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft #3 did not impress me.
- Paul
Graphics: 53%
Writing: 59%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Story: 58%
Family Friendly Factor: 52%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Gilly, Mediavilla, Underwood, Felty, Delpeche
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated
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