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Fairy Tail #1





Fairy Tail #1 


I have been watching the Fairy Tail anime for some years now. I slowly work my way through that television show one collection at a time. I saw Fairy Tail #1 at a local Five Below store and it was five dollars. That is half the price of manga normally in our area. I decided to pick it up, check it out, read it, and review it. I am so glad I did as well. I am very familiar with the characters and universe in this manga. There will be spoilers in this review.

I also started reading Fairy Tail #1 after I have already read a couple of Edens Zero manga books. I am dismayed that Hiro Mashima keeps using the same characters for multiple manga. What makes it worse is there are some special extras at the end of Fairy Tail #1. The thought process for Fairy Tail was explained. Initially Natsu was going to be a courier in a courier guild that got sick while traveling. Then it was changed to a wizards guild.

I think the courier idea would have been different and unique. I could see that working really well. Too late now I guess. The issues families can have with Fairy Tail #1 are magic, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, sexual comments, innuendo, perverts, bad language, and more. There is also some mild name calling in Fairy Tail #1. I find the honorifics an interesting aspect of Japanese culture.

Lucy meets Natsu as she is trying to find a way to get into the Fairy Tail guild. Happy is the flying cat that Natsu has as a friend. They save Lucy from a creep trying to kidnap her and sell her into slavery. Lucy winds up becoming friends with Natsu and they go out on jobs together. The next job coming up sounds very interesting indeed because of the reward was increased drastically. Natsu does not understand all of the normal human niceties in Fairy Tail #1.

Natsu is a fire wizard and Lucy is a celestial wizard. We learn about celestial wizards and their contracts within Fairy Tail #1. They use keys to summon creatures from another dimension. Natsu is very thankful for the meal of fire he is given at one point. Fairy Tail #1 also explains that is another Japanese custom. There is a battle with a giant monkey creature that is actually the wizard they are there to save.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Manga
Publisher: Kodansha Comic
Author: Hiro Mashima
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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