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Gargoyles #2





Gargoyles #2 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Gargoyles #2 comic book. I am also thankful I was able to find a copy of Gargoyles #2 locally at one of our local comic book stores. This series is starting to grow and develop. We are learning more things about this fantasy realm. There is less of the dirty art that annoyed me in the last issue. New characters are introduced. At least they are new to me. I am not versed on this franchise so maybe they were in this franchise in the past.

There will be spoilers in the review of Gargoyles #2. There are twenty-two pages of content, next issue, questions with George Kambadais, and then some advertisements. Gargoyles #2 has a little quick sneak peek of Darkwing Duck in it. Too bad I have already read the first issue of Darkwing Duck. They are not getting an additional sale there from me because I already bought it, read it, and reviewed it.

A very dastardly deed happens in Gargoyles #2. A pregnant Gargoyle female and her unborn baby are kidnapped. They are kidnapped before the birth can happen. The one odd thing about this to me is The Rookery is shown in Gargoyles #2. It takes the egg a year to hatch. So why kidnap a pregnant female when she will give birth to an egg and it will take a year to hatch. What is the urgency there?

The Rookery in Gargoyles #2 has only one egg in it and is being guarded by some fearsome beasts. The Gargoyles have a bit of a problem. They are not able to defend during the day since that is when they are turned to stone. There is some violent content in Gargoyles #2 as the father and husband character is knocking heads trying to find his wife and baby. Many of us can relate to that level of anger.

It looks like things may heat up a bit after Gargoyles #2. The end page of Gargoyles #2 shows some seriousness is about to go down. I am curious to see where this comic book series goes in the future. I am also interesting in learning more about these different characters. Gargoyles #2 shows off a lot of characters that I know little about. A bio page for some characters might be a good idea.
- Paul


Graphics: 63%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 64%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Weisman, Kambadais
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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