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Gargoyles #4





Gargoyles #4 


I just finished reading the Gargoyles #4 comic book. This issue feels like a transitionary and setup issue to me. There are things that happen in Gargoyles #4 that will continue the story down the line. There is not a lot of excitement within Gargoyles #4 though. There is some action, but nothing too interesting in my personal opinion. Comic books need these kinds of issues to get to the finale of a storyline.

There will be spoilers in this review. The issues families can have with Gargoyles #4 are violence, blood, and more. Pal Joey is treated really bad in Gargoyles #4. He is there to pick up and drive Mister Dracon back home. Mister Dracon was released from prison. He is the head of a crime family and wants to get his family back on top. He wants to know why his family lost the position of power in Gargoyles #4.

Goliath goes out on patrol with an older gargoyle in Gargoyles #4. They run across humans with gargoyle masks that are kidnapping a couple. The pair goes after them to try and rescue the humans being kidnapped. Unfortunately for them some helicopters show up and capture Goliath. The kidnappers get away. The older gargoyle may be able to save Goliath in a future issue of Gargoyles #4. I am not clear on that.

There are news reports and videos showing the gargoyles in Gargoyles #4. Their secret is out of the bag. They are no longer completely hidden from the public eye. Their exosure came out of the blue. I wonder if it is a needed plot point to move things forward. I guess that is something else I will find out as I continue to read this comic book. In case you were wondering I do plan to continue to read this comic book series.

Gargoyles #4 contains twenty-two pages of content, next month's cover (at least one of them), ads, and the cover gallery. The capture is a bit of a shock ending to Gargoyles #4. I hope Goliath will be okay. I am not sure who captured Goliath either. Hopefully that is revealed in the next issue of this comic book. The art is decent in Gargoyles #4. There is some good and interesting dialogue in Gargoyles #4 as well.
- Paul


Graphics: 62%
Writing: 69%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Story: 69%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Weisman, Kambadais
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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