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Gargoyles #5





Gargoyles #5 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Gargoyles #5 comic book. I am also thankful I had the time and mental fortitude to read and review Gargoyles #5. There is a major aftermath from what happened at the end of the last issue. There are also some things explained in Gargoyles #5. There will be spoilers in this review. Goliath goes to jail, and this brings up all kinds of interesting legal issues.

Does Goliath a gargoyle have human rights? Why is Goliath held at a human jail if he does not? Shouldn't Goliath be at a zoo? Someone gave the GTF all kinds of money to be able to hunt down the gargoyles. We are not sure who did that though. Maybe I should say Gargoyles #5 does not reveal that. There is also a storyline in Gargoyles #5 about two gang leaders about to go to war because their children are seeing one another. A definite Romeo and Juliet scenario.

Hudson want to go and save Goliath in Gargoyles #5. Matt Bluestone is head of the GTF and he talks Hudson down. Later in Gargoyles #5 the gargoyles do go and try and spring Goliath from jail. The problem is Goliath refuses to leave. Goliath decides to stay in jail. Honestly I expected that outcome. It is how this story has been flowing. There are many legal ramifications of this incarceration. Is it even legal?

The main issues families will have with Gargoyles #5 is some violence. I am not a big fan of the art style used in Gargoyles #5 personally. A lot of it is too dark. The lawyers debating the freedom of Goliath is very interesting indeed. It really got me thinking after reading Gargoyles #5. I hope this is explored fully. The attempted jail break does not help Goliath. Since Goliath decided to stay in jail that should be some help in my opinion.

Gargoyles #5 contains twenty-two pages of content, next month's cover and information, ads, and then the cover gallery. They make quite a few different covers for this comic books. The GTF was no match for the gargoyles when they came to spring Goliath from jail. They also made sure to not kill any humans in this mission. There are certainly more secrets to share in future issues of this comic book. I still feel like this series is doing a good job of making readers want more.
- Paul


Graphics: 66%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 79%
Story: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite
Author: Weisman, Kambadais
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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