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Gold Goblin #2





Gold Goblin #2 


Gold Goblin #2 reminds me of things that are totally and completely wrong with the comic book industry. There are all kinds of story that happens between Gold Goblin #1 and Gold Goblin #2. It happens in other comic books in the Dark Web saga. The first page of Gold Goblin #2 has the credits and a recap of what happened. There is also a page later in Gold Goblin #2 that lists the different comic books in Dark Web. The problem is I do not know if I need to read all of them or just some of them.

There will be spoilers in this review. Gold Goblin #2 starts out with Norman Osborn all beat up. We find out that the Peter Parker Norman Osborn hired was actually Ben Reilly. Not familiar with Ben Reilly? He is a Peter Parker clone now called Chasm. A Marvel Girl clone is called Goblin Queen. We find out in Gold Goblin #2 that Goblin Queen has all of the sins that Sin Eater took from Norman Osborn. She wants to give them back too.

New York city is in shambles in Gold Goblin #2. Liz wants Norman Osborn to stop fighting and take a break to heal up. She does not want Normie to lose his grandfather as well as his father. It looks like Norman Osborn tries to avoid fighting at first. There is always something that draws him back to the battle though. He was actually seeking help from a doctor when he got called back into battle.

Jack O' Lantern is a part of Gold Goblin #2 in a few pages as well. He is in the hospital and is also beat up pretty badly. He wants a piece of Queen Goblin. The issues families can have with Gold Goblin #2 are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Norman continues to have some signs of madness in Gold Goblin #2. There are twenty pages of content within Gold Goblin #2 and advertisements can be found all throughout.

Gold Goblin #2 makes me ponder if I want to purchase the other comic books to find out everything that happened or maybe wait for a graphic novel version of this story. I really want to get more into the Gold Goblin and learn about him. This whole dark web thing threw me for a complete and total loop. Norman Osborn wants his memories of his bad deeds to be removed as well. He is tired of remembering the horrible things he did.
- Paul


Graphics: 64%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Cantwell, Medina, Fabela
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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