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Gold Goblin #4





Gold Goblin #4 


Gold Goblin #4 is certainly a step up from the last issue. The events from Dark Web are over with and the sun is shining again. In fact Norman Osborn feels good at the start of Gold Goblin #4. There is some major recap on the credits page within Gold Goblin #4. I plan on trying to purchase the graphic novel when it comes out so I can get some concept as to what all happened during the Dark Web storyline that spanned quite a few different comic books.

There will be spoilers in this review. The issues families can have with Gold Goblin #4 are violence, lack of attire, bad language and more. There is quite a bit of talk about healing and being a good man within Gold Goblin #4. Jack O'Lantern is recovering from his lifestyle choices that took him down a bad path. He may even go back to healing others. At the very least he has been healing himself.

Norman Osborn gives Peter Parker free reign at Oscorp to do whatever projects he wants to do. Norman Osborn is doing what he can to make things right again. He even stops the Shocker in Gold Goblin #4. He has heroic moments within Gold Goblin #4. The police even ask Gold Goblin to help them with a hostage situation. Norman Osborn is happy to assist the police in Gold Goblin #4. Sadly things go wrong.

What confuses me about Gold Goblin #4 is the motives behind Jack O'Lantern's actions. Why take hostages? Why pretend to set off a device? It was like he was trying to make Norman Osborn look good, but the Goblin Queen messed with the device so it would explode instead. The police assume Norman Osborn did something to cause the explosion that killed Jack O'Lantern. He was trying to save people. Some of the characters reactions make little sense to me.

Norman Osborn winds up running because the police have no clue where he lives. The FBI want to talk to him but he winds up denying their request. I was not sure that could even be done - even with the corruption over at the FBI. Goblin Queen shows up and Gold Goblin #4 ends with her wanting to give Norman his sins back. Would you still be a good man if that happens? I guess I will have to keep reading to find out.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 67%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Cantwell, Medina, Pimental, Fabela
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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