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Kirby and the Forgotten Land





Kirby and the Forgotten Land 


I am very thankful God provided the money for us to purchase Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is being marketed as a 3D Kirby video game. There are definitely many 3D elements within Kirby and the Forgotten Land. This Nintendo Switch video game is not open world. Many of the 3D areas are small and limited. We go through multiple areas in each level of Kirby and the Forgotten Land. There are also really small levels to earn special coins.

There are two kinds of currency within Kirby and the Forgotten Land. There are Star Coins that are plentiful and then Rare Stones. Those are both used to upgrade the copy abilities Kirby earns by sucking in certain enemies. As we free Waddle Dees we unlock more things to do in the town. There are also collectibles that can be found and purchased within Kirby and the Forgotten Land if you are interested in them. Blueprints are also found to improve the copy abilities.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land looks good and it sounds good. There is action adventure violence as we trash a variety of enemies. There are different goals to achieve in each of the levels in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Maybe beat the boss with this certain ability, or eat three ice cream cones for example. As the copy abilities are improved Kirby and the Forgotten Land tells you that you are evolving them. Those abilities do get more powerful but not much beyond that - aside from how they look. There are numerous secrets that can be discovered in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

If you watched any of the live streams or videos of Kirby and the Forgotten Land then you know it took me around seven hours to eight hours to complete. I did not unlock every powered up ability because it would have required some Star Coin grinding. Kirby and the Forgotten Land felt short unless you want to find every Waddle Dee and unlock every ability. I did not really see the point in any of those things. After beating Kirby and the Forgotten Land there is a secret world that can be unlocked and played. Once I get credits I feel the game is done and did not continue with it after that point. I found Kirby and the Forgotten Land to be pretty limited and predictable. I was expecting a Breath of the Wild open world personally. I value Kirby and the Forgotten Land at $20-$30.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Sound: 70%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 70%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Hal Laboratory
Rating: ‘E10+’ - TEN and OLDER ONLY

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