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Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023





Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 


I saw Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 on free comic book day and thought it had a chance of being family friendly. The front cover looked pretty safe to me. There is a strange bird on the cover that reminds me of Mickey Mouse mixed with Darkwing Duck. The back of the front cover introduces the character and where he lives. In essence he is from Puerto Rico. This comic book claims they are part of America. Which is sort of true, and sort of false. There will be spoilers in this review.

Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States. It is not a state, and residents do not vote in our elections. I could see that people from that island would not be happy with this and feel inferior. This certainly shines through in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023. There is an obvious chip on the shoulder of those involved with writing this comic book. Personally I feel like America should let go of Puerto Rico and let them become their own nation.

The main story within Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 has seventeen pages. Then we get six pages of one page stories and then some advertisements. One of those six one page shots actually has two quick little comic strip like comics in it. All of these are there for a quick laugh. Sadly I did not find them funny personally. The same goes for the main comic book within Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023. I had never heard of this franchise before or the company behind it. I guess they need to do a better job advertising and marketing.

Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 talks about how Kotto Kotarra's life is a cartoon. I can definitely see different styles were borrowed from in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023. I feel some Looney Tunes, Darkwing Duck and more in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023. We meet Sweet Foot in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023. She is supposed to be this scary monster but just wants to give everyone she finds a makeover. Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 talks about how everyone is beautiful.

We meet Wilbur in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 and he is sent packing thanks to some smelly hot dogs. The kids are on their phones and addicted to electronics in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023. The thing is the father is trying to get them to enjoy nature instead. The paper in this comic book feels nice. The colors are really good as well. I went over the ads in Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 and had never heard of any of this franchises. I wanted to like Kotto Kotorra FCBD 2023 so bad. It is generally family friendly, but did not connect with me at all.
- Paul


Graphics: 79%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Arcana Studio
Author: O'Reilly, Alvarez
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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