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Looney Tunes #268





Looney Tunes #268 


Peter pointed out Looney Tunes #268 to me at one of our local comic book shops. I was not really into the idea of a Looney Tunes comic book at first. The more I thought about it the more I decided to give this comic book a shot, and a chance. Boy am I glad I did. Looney Tunes #268 is a lot like the cartoons. I had to re-read some parts to make sure I got all of the jokes this comic book was trying to relay. The different characters sounds are relayed quite well in Looney Tunes #268.

Please be aware there will be spoilers in this review. There are three different stories within Looney Tunes #268. The first one is Duck Tracy for eight pages, then Bugs Bunny for eight pages, and finally a story about Tweety Bird that lasts seven pages. Then we have eight pages of the Sneak Peek of DC League of Superpets. I have actually read that sneak peek in another DC Comic's comic book. They are advertising that graphic novel in multiple places to increase their sales. They really should advertise on the Family Friendly Gaming website.

The issues families can have with Looney Tunes #268 is cartoon violence. There are different degrees of disrespect from a wide array of characters within Looney Tunes #268 as well. Tweety Bird is horrible to Sylvester. Granny (aka Emma Webster) finds a fake Tweety Bird and thinks Sylvester had something to do with it. Tweety Bird was behind the prank to torture the poor cat. I have been on that cat's side for a long time now.

There are ads found throughout Looney Tunes #268. Bugs Bunny has a classic story within Looney Tunes #268. He takes a wrong turn and digs into the wrong places. One of them happens to be a prison. So these bad guys escape. Bugs Bunny must then stop them with his antics, pranks, and tricks. Thankfully Bugs Bunny sets things right at the end of his little story within Looney Tunes #268. He gets them locked into cans. You would have to read it to totally understand.

Daffy Duck plays the part of Duck Tracy in Looney Tunes #268. He must find and save Tweety Bird. Tweety has multiple appearances in different stories within Looney Tunes #268. Daffy is so abused in Looney Tunes #268. Thankfully he saves the day as well. Looney Tunes #268 teaches kids that swearing is bad. It is so nice to see such an important life lesson being taught in a comic book. I tip my hat to Looney Tunes #268 for that. Looney Tunes #268 is $2.99 with twenty-three pages of content for families.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Writing: 80%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Story: 85%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Fridolfs, Pope, McRae, Lawson
Rating: ‘8+’ for Eight and OLDER ONLY

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