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Mighty Mouse #1





Mighty Mouse #1 


Peter went with his friends on a trip to Nashville. They found this comic book store that impressed him. He found this Mighty Mouse #1 comic book and wanted to know if I wanted to buy it and eventually get it reviewed. Since I am writing this review you should be able to figure out what my answer was. I did not even know about this five part series from 2017. I only have Mighty Mouse #1 so I will need to decide if I want to purchase the others in the future to see the whole series.

When Mighty Mouse #1 came it out sold for $3.99. I was able to purchase a copy of it for $2.25. In essence Mighty Mouse #1 lost some of its value. Hopefully that will turn around in the future. Expect spoilers in this review. The art work in Mighty Mouse #1 is fantastic. I did not know what I would get until I opened and read it. Mighty Mouse #1 starts out showing us what it would look like if this were a cartoon.

Mighty Mouse #1 takes an interesting direction after that. There is a young man who is on the playground at recess drawing. These three bullies come after him and throw his papers all over the place. The kid is late back to class because he is getting all of his papers with art on them back. The bullies have some interesting logic. They want him to share his art with everyone. Although their dispersal method is lacking.

Joey is the name of the young man. He goes home and has a note from his mom to do his homework, no junk food, and no cartoons. Since there is no adult supervision Joey does the opposite of the instructions from his mother. There is nothing in Mighty Mouse #1 about a father figure. There are twenty pages of content within Mighty Mouse #1. There is a two page spread advertisement for Sheena in Mighty Mouse #1. After the end of Mighty Mouse #1 there are even more advertisements.

There is some mild violence in Mighty Mouse #1. There is also lack of attire and enticement to lust in some of the advertisements. I find it interesting that the content can be for all ages, but I do not believe the advertisements are for all ages. Someone seemed to have missed something there in my professional opinion. This is not the first time I noticed that since returning to the comic book industry.

Mighty Mouse #1 has an interesting twist ending. Mighty Mouse leaves the television screen and joins Joey in the real world. It looks like this series will get very interesting after that. Mighty Mouse will need to adapt to our world and all of its problems. Will Mighty Mouse help Joey with the bullies? There is some foreshadowing of that in the imagination of Joey. If I can continue this series in the future I will.
- Paul


Graphics: 79%
Writing: 83%
Replay/Extras: 81%
Story: 82%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Author: Fisch, Lima, Ross
Rating: ‘A’ for All Ages

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