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I am so thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of Morbius on DVD. This Sony created Marvel movie flopped at the theaters. Internet trolls convinced Sony to release Morbius for a second time. It came back out at theaters and flopped again. I completely expected Morbius to be a complete and total train wreck. Morbius surprised me because it is not horrible. On the other hand Morbius is not that great either. In a lot of ways Morbius is the typical Sony super hero movie.

There will be spoilers in this review. Michael Morbius has a disease where he must get a blood transfusion to stay alive. He has a friend from his youth that also has this disease. This friend has all kinds of money and uses it to fund research to find a cure. Dr Mobius decides to use bats to cure them. After many tests he succeeds. There is one small problem with the procedure. The side effects are horrible. He must keep consuming blood to stay alive. Then there is the problem of his benefactor and friend Milo.

Morbius earns wonderful powers thanks to the serum he devises. Improved hearing, echo location, flight, and more. He can quickly drain the blood from a human being. The feds are interested in him because of the dead bodies that appear around him. The issues families will have with Morbius are violence, blood, bad language, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. The vampires are pretty scary in Morbius.

My biggest problem with this movie that lasts 104 minutes is how choppy it is. There are so many things left unanswered and not explained very well. Where did Milo get all his money? There is a reference to a Russian mad at him for allegedly cheating during gambling. That might be the answer. Dr Morbius love interest is also not explored properly. He turns her into a vampire and kills his friend in the end of Morbius. How did both of those work exactly?

The end credits has two scenes that are very interesting. How does Morbius know about Spider-Man though? Why would he want to team up with the Vulture? Motives are important and Morbius forgets about them too often. When the FBI catch Morbius it makes no sense. He is on the roof and the cop takes an elevator or climbs all those stairs that quickly? Morbius feels like a lot of disconnected scenes put together to make a movie. There were obviously too many cuts.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Sound: 60%
Replay/Extras: 78%
Gameplay: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: DVD
Publisher: Sony Pictures
Developer: Marvel Studios
Rating: ‘PG-13’ for Parental Guidance suggested if under 13 years of age {for intense sequences of violence, some frightening images, and brief strong language}

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