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My Little Pony #11





My Little Pony #11 


Since coming back to the comic book industry the My Little Pony series has been pretty solid. There has not been an issue that bothered me. That is until now. My Little Pony #11 is disturbing on multiple different levels. There will be spoilers in this review. Pipp is freaking out because her social media engagement is on the decline. She wants help getting her engagement back up there. Not enough likes, views, comments and subs. She even got some unsubscribes.

When her social media content was all about excitement she got all kinds of views, comments and likes. Now that things slowed down again she is losing her audience. The social media trap and enslavement is touched upon but not really addressed in My Little Pony #11. The Old Nag stories is brought up and the ponies decide to go ahead and do it and record it. The idea is to summon a ghost to get more views.

The concept in My Little Pony #11 is wrong on so many levels. Trying to contact the dead is bad. You never know what kind of demon or spirit you are attracting. The whole vanity about views is face palm worthy. A lot of the art in My Little Pony #11 looks like night vision goggles. The spiritual damage My Little Pony #11 could do is immeasurable. Things go downhill in My Little Pony #11 from there.

Zipp decides to make the ghost a reality in My Little Pony #11. She dresses up and does other things to make it look like a ghost was there. My Little Pony #11 is very predictable about all this. Zipp gets caught and makes her friends mad. At the very end of My Little Pony #11 the ghost does show up and Pipp does not believe Zipp. Ultimately My Little Pony #11 went exactly where I thought it would go.

My Little Pony #11 contains twenty pages of content, next month's cover, alternate covers, and advertisements. The one nice thing in My Little Pony #11 is Pipp wants to give this ghost the party they never got in the first place. A ghost granting a wish is odd to say the very least. My Little Pony #11 is odd in multiple ways. Thus far My Little Pony #11 is the worst My Little Pony comic book I have read since coming back to this industry.
- Paul


Graphics: 71%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 74%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Gilly, Bulmer, Breckel
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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