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My Little Pony #15





My Little Pony #15 


I read a plenty of different comic books since coming back to this industry. My Little Pony is usually a nice bright spot when I am reading through the comic books. My Little Pony #15 is no exception. My Little Pony #15 is a very decent story that teaches a couple of important lessons. Before we get into that though I want to thank everyone who donates money to Family Friendly Gaming so we can make these reviews.

There will be spoilers in this review of My Little Pony #15. The main character in My Little Pony #15 is Izzy. At least she starts out as the main character. She accidently flings a necklace into a treehouse. She realizes this treehouse could become an amazing hang out spot for her and her friends. She goes and gets all kinds of things and decorates this treehouse. She then invites her friends over for a surprise while it is raining.

When Izzy first got to the treehouse there were all these different animals that she scared off. These same animals trash the redesign Izzy does in My Little Pony #15. Why would they destroy such wonderful work? The animals thought this treehouse was their house and Izzy had invaded where they were squatting. The animals decide to share and the ponies and animals work together to make it a fun place for all of them.

My Little Pony #15 teaches kids to share, and work together. The whole squatter issue is one that has been a huge problem for plenty of people in the real world. I did not notice it at first but My Little Pony #15 does encourage people to leave squatters alone. Even though the squatters are stealing something that is not theirs. My Little Pony #15 does not really dig into that issue which is a major missed opportunity.

My Little Pony #15 contains twenty pages of comic book content, then one of the covers for next month, then the alternate covers for this month, and finally some advertisements. I have already read some of the comics in the advertisements. Others do not really interest me. My Little Pony #15 contains some nice artwork. I love the work together concept found in My Little Pony #15. I also like how one of the ponies made a place for the animals.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Writing: 80%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 75%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Author: Hannah, Starling, Breckel
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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