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Project Blue Book Season One





Project Blue Book Season One 


While we are on our second free month of Peacock+ I decided to check out Project Blue Book Season One. I had heard of the real thing in our world, but did not know much about it. I did some research and have been unable to determine how accurate this television show is. Project Blue Book Season One is based on real events but that usually means Hollyhate makes changes. There are ten episodes in this season. The episodes are around the forty-five minute range in terms of length.

Project Blue Book Season One follows Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Air Force veteran Captain Michael Quinn. The investigate UFO sightings, abductions and more. The doctor and the Air Force captain are tasked by two generals to stop any kind of wide spread panic. So they come up with scientific explanations as to what actually happened. This family did not see a ten foot alien, it was an owl on top of a tree. Never mind no owl is going to perch on a tree that was just burned and broken in half by a meteorite.

Project Blue Book Season One shows the Air Force has alien craft in their possession and are working on using them. Pilots that got too close to the aliens wind up being used as antenna to contact the aliens. Project Blue Book Season One teaches us to distrust the military. I suppose Project Blue Book Season One could also teach us to mistrust the government. Project Blue Book Season One definitely teaches us to mistrust those in positions of power.

The issues families can have with Project Blue Book Season One are bad language, violence, blood, murder, conspiracy, sexual deviancy, lack of attire, enticement to lust and more. Certain content feels like it was thrown in there because Hollyhate must constantly attack morals and ethics. Project Blue Book Season One has a X-Files feel to it. There are mysterious characters with their own agenda. There are Russian spies trying to get information from the wife as well.

Project Blue Book Season One makes it very difficult to discern fact from fiction. I was not alive or at any of those events to know what really happened. The doctor and his partner the Air Force captain are doing what the generals want while trying to find real and true evidence that proves aliens exist. In a way this duo is acting like rogue agents or spies themselves. There is one more season of this show and I will try and check it out.
- Paul


Video: 60%
Audio: 65%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Functionality: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Peacock+
Publisher: History Channel
Developer: Compari Entertainment, A&E Studios
Rating: ‘TV-14 to TV-MA’ – FOURTEEN to EIGHTEEN and Older ONLY

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