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Red Goblin #4





Red Goblin #4 


I am very blessed to have the money to purchase a copy of the Red Goblin #4 comic book. I am also exceptionally blessed to have the time to read and review this comic book. The first page of the Red Goblin #4 comic book is a recap and credits page. The Bullpen Bulletin is one I have read in numerous other Marvel comic books in recent weeks. There will be some spoilers in this review of the Red Goblin #4 comic book.

We start out meeting a guard at the Oscorp HQ building in midtown manhattan. I think that probably means that New York City that so many moral, ethical, honest, genuine and true people avoid. This security guard is in trouble with Hammerhead. So he plans on stealing the Gold Goblin costume and glider. To me that sounds like a really bad idea. What do you think about this guard's plan? He also waits until his shift is over. Doing it during the shift might make more sense.

From there we find out that Norman Osborn has been let out of the hospital. He has Normie Osborn with him. Norman throws a pumpkin bomb at Normie to force the symbiote to protect him. Thing is the bomb was empty so it would have done no harm. Norman is insistent that the symbiotes are bad and must be removed. Normie goes along with it even though he does not agree with it. The symbiote is removed in Red Goblin #4.

The guard realizes that he needs to cut the power to get to the glider and the suit in Red Goblin #4. This is done as the symbiote is trying to escape confinement. Norman calls for his glider which really ruins this guards plans. The symbiote winds up saving Normie and goes back to bond with him. Norman is starting to understand the symbiotes are expressing what their hosts already have. The two decide to not discuss this with Normie's mother.

There are twenty pages of comic book content within Red Goblin #4. There are advertisements found all throughout the Red Goblin #4 comic book. One of the covers to next month is shown near the end of Red Goblin #4. There is some violence and bad language within Red Goblin #4. The poor guard is arrested for what he did and is going to be in trouble going forward. I wonder if Gold Goblin will go after Hammerhead or not.
- Paul


Graphics: 64%
Writing: 74%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 64%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Paknadel, Bazaldua, Curiel
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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