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Red Goblin #6





Red Goblin #6 


Normie and the Red Goblin series are still trying to find their sea legs in Red Goblin #6. There are aspects of this comic book series that move along. It feels more like the villains are being focused on though. The first page of Red Goblin #6 contains the lengthy recap and the credits. I like the lengthy recap because it helps bring me back into what is happening in this storyline. There will be spoilers in this review.

The Goblin King continues to get worse in Red Goblin #6. He realizes that he may not have much time left before he is completely gone and dead. The Goblin King is preparing for the future of the Goblin Nation. Candra is made into the Goblin Knight in Red Goblin #6. She is the hand picked successor when the Goblin King is no longer around. She does not want it at first though.

The issues families can have with Red Goblin #6 are violence, blood, bad language, and more. Advertisements can be found all throughout this comic book. The Storm Breakers is about Nic Klein and the Incredible Hulk. There are twenty pages of comic book content within Red Goblin #6. Timothy Anders is kidnapped within Red Goblin #6. Red Goblin #6 tells an interesting fantasy story about how mankind domesticated wolves.

Normie fights the Goblin Nation to stop the kidnapping. There is also some turmoil between Rascal and Normie within Red Goblin #6. The symbiote reacts certain ways to certain chemicals in Normie's brain. The two of them battle it out to try and stay heroic and not go into the side of the villains. The bad characters in Red Goblin #6 are starting to figure out that the Red Goblin is most likely a kid.

Goblin Nation starts out in Red Goblin #6 just robbing banks. They escalate up to kidnapping and ransom in Red Goblin #6. Goblin Nation is slowly starting to get more dangerous. I wonder if they will continue to escalate their crimes. Red Goblin also comes face to face with the police in Red Goblin #6. I am curious to see how exactly that will play out. Which means I will continue to read this series for a little bit longer.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 74%
Family Friendly Factor: 67%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Paknadel, Bazaldua, Curiel
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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