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Renovation Collection 1





Renovation Collection 1 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase the Renovation Collection 1 cartridge on the Evercade. There are twelve 16-bit video games on the Renovation Collection 1 cartridge. The twelve games are Arcus Odyssey, Beast Wrestler, Dino Land, El Viento, Exile, Final Zone, Gaiares, Granada, Sol-Peace, Traysia, Valis, and Valis III. I am not sure why Valis II was excluded from the Renovation Collection 1 cartridge. It would make sense to include it, but they did not.

Renovation Collection 1 brings us some role playing games, a pinball game, shooting games, a wrestling game, and some 2D side scrolling video games. The side scrolling video games also have plenty of shooting in them as well. I remember many of these games from the 16-bit era. Some of them I liked better than others. Renovation Collection 1 has a nice showing of different kinds of video games.

The issues families can have with Renovation Collection 1 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, false gods, false goddesses, magic, and more. I ran into some confusion with the controls in Beast Wrestler. I also found the mapping to be odd in Dino Land. I can play pinball that way but I feel there were better button choices for the flippers. The rest of the games had some decent controls. Exile can be challenging.

There is some definite video game history found on the Renovation Collection 1 cartridge. Arcus Odysee reminds me of the Gauntlet franchise. Traysia is one of those older role playing video games that retro RPG masters will enjoy. Many retro RPG masters may have already played Traysia. I found quite a bit of entertainment within Renovation Collection 1. There are not a lot of multiplayer games included on the Renovation Collection 1 cartridge.

I hope to see more compilation cartridges like Renovation Collection 1 in the future. I also like it when the games that are selected are different from one another. Hopefully the next collection for Renovation will include Valis II. I like being able to see all of a franchise as well as play different kinds of games.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 75%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Renovation
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated

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