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Rune Factory 5





Rune Factory 5 


Have you been watching the live streams I performed of Rune Factory 5 on the Nintendo Switch? I was not sure about this game when my dad recommended it. I have actually been enjoying playing it. I do need to do some grinding off camera. I am very glad my dad had the money to purchase Rune Factory 5 on the Nintendo Switch. Rune Factory 5 is a mixture of Harvest Moon and The Legend of Zelda. We plant, harvest and go on quests crushing the monsters in the land. If you missed the live streams then look for the videos in our videos section on the Family Friendly Gaming website.

The issues families will have with Rune Factory 5 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, bad language, alcohol, sexual deviancy, attempts to redefine marriage and more. We need certain items from enemies so you may have to run around beating up monsters until you get the drops you need. At times Rune Factory 5 can be a bit boring. There is a lot to do but sometimes we must do the same things over and over again to progress. You can always ignore the quest and do other things I suppose.

Rune Factory 5 uses one of the older role playing game tropes - amnesia. That is right we start out in Rune Factory 5 with no idea who we are or what we were doing. At this point in the history of the video game industry it seems so lazy of the writers. You know my dad has written some cool books. They should hire him for ideas on how to make their storylines more creative and less lazy. Just saying.

We become a peacekeeping ranger in Rune Factory 5. We must protect our home. Rune Factory 5 encourages using lethal force to stand your ground and protect your area. There are an array of different characters to get to know and work with in Rune Factory 5. Romance is also a part of Rune Factory 5 if you choose to walk that path. Only one family member can play Rune Factory 5 at a time. There are issues with this game so pay attention to the age rating please.
- Teen Gamer


Graphics: 60%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 85%
Gameplay: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: XSeed Games
Developer: Marvelous USA
Rating: ‘T’ - Thirteen and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes, Mild Language, Use of Alcohol}

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