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Smurfs #1





Smurfs #1 


During one of our excursions to a local comic book store we came across the Smurfs #1 comic book. I did not know much about this comic book. It cost me five dollars and was sealed in a bag with a board. Until I opened it (and probably dropped its value a bit) I did not even know what year it was from. Smurfs #1 is from 1982. The paper certainly shows its age. I do not think it was kept in protective gear until it was purchased by the comic book store.

It is always nice to find number one issues of comic books. They have a better chance of having more value and worth to them. The front cover of Smurfs #1 shows a Smurf in a plane, Gargamel and Azreal. The comic book itself contains all kinds of surprises. I will get into that in just a little bit. There will be spoilers in this review. Smurfs #1 does not follow any comic book format I have seen since coming back to the industry. I do not recall this format when I read comic books decades ago.

The format I am referencing in Smurfs #1 is this: six page story, then nine one page stories, then another six page story, and finished up with two more one page stories. One page stories are rare. Nine of them in a row is something I do not recall ever seeing before. Ads can be found throughout the Smurfs #1 comic book. Some of the ads were really interesting to me as well. The M Network advertisement initiated some research on my part. It references cartridges for the Atari 2600.

There are plenty of one page shots all about shooting at targets. I think many of them are to get a quick laugh. A Smurf is shooting at the target and hits the bulleye with the crossbow and is still holding the arrow. There are other funny moments like when Smurfette goes in search of the Fountain of Youth because of a wrinkle. After the adventure she realizes her mirror has a crack and she never had a wrinkle.

There is a little cartoon violence within Smurfs #1. Gargamel gets mistreated a lot in Smurfs #1. Symbols are used to replace bad language in Smurfs #1. The wind up airplane is an interesting idea in Smurfs #1. It may have come from the cartoon. It has been some decades since I watched the cartoon from that era. I looked it up and this comic book can be worth some money if you have a good copy of it. Sadly I do not. This comic book sold for sixty cents when it was originally released.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Writing: 79%
Replay/Extras: 75%
Story: 80%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Peyo
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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