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Sonic Universe #68





Sonic Universe #68 


I just finished reading Sonic Universe #68. I got this comic book locally for one dollar. It initially sold for $2.95 so it lost some value. The condition of this comic book is actually pretty good so that is nice. Maybe it will gain value going forward. Sonic Universe #68 starts with From the Captain's Desk which is a lot like an editor's column in the Family Friendly Gaming magazine and e-magazine. There will be spoilers in this review.

Sonic Universe #68 contains some nice clean art that reminds me of the television show. If you are currently looking for Star Blazers then you should look for it under Space Battleship Yamato. I personally think the Star Blazers name is better but that might just be me. There is a bit of violence and lack of attire in Sonic Universe #68. There seems to be this robots obsession with lifting a lady's dress and showing off her underwear.

The storyline in Sonic Universe #68 makes little to no sense to me. We have different characters before the Space Battleship Yamato lifted off. We learn a bit about them. They all seem to be screw ups though. I am wondering if there was an attempt at humor here. Sonic Universe #68 also references this is a four part mini series. Which would mean it ends after the next issue since it started at issue number zero.

We also see an alien battle in Sonic Universe #68. Things that happened in this alien battle were referenced in other parts of the show and comic books. This series is jumping all over the place telling different stories from different time periods. There is a place where Star Blazers #2 references there was some left out stories they wanted to tell. That is all this issue seems to be to me.

There is a special article section at the end of Sonic Universe #68. That contains an interesting interview if you are into this series. There are twenty-four pages of content within Sonic Universe #68. I think I have the final issue of this series. If now I will try and purchase it to finish off this four part series. Sonic Universe #68 is an interesting story without enough context in my opinion. I also hope to find time for the anime at some point in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 70%
Writing: 74%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 76%
Family Friendly Factor: 72%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Archie Comics
Author: Flynn, Yardley, Amash, Herms, Morelli
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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