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The Amazing Spider-Man #26





The Amazing Spider-Man #26 


I was unable to find a copy of The Amazing Spider-Man #26 comic book locally. I went online and purchased a copy of the comic book since no one had it locally. They had the issue before and the issue after. I honestly had no idea what made this particular comic book sell out and not the others. I also purchased the Spider-verse variant cover edition of The Amazing Spider-Man #26. There will be spoilers in this review.

Right after purchasing The Amazing Spider-Man #26 I did a bit of research and found out an unpopular well known Marvel character dies in The Amazing Spider-Man #26. That is why it sold out. There are all these people who could care less about the comic book, and the storyline. They think they will make bank from buying a copy of this comic book. I figure they will bring her back to life in the next couple of years. That is what happens in comic books.

The issues families will have with The Amazing Spider-Man #26 are false gods, blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, magic, bad language and more. We get one page of comic book content and then a two page spread that recaps what has been happening as well as the credits. There are thirty-one pages of comic book content within The Amazing Spider-Man #26. Advertisements can be found throughout this comic book.

Rabin is in New York to kill MJ. If he can sacrifice her then he believes he will become a god. The Fantastic Four, Ms. Marvel, and Gold Goblin all come to help out Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man #26. It looks like MJ is killed at one point in The Amazing Spider-Man #26. It was actually Ms. Marvel that dies. She made herself look like MJ so Rabin would focus on her. Rabin winds up dying for his failure in The Amazing Spider-Man #26.

There is some humor within The Amazing Spider-Man #26. The Thing is great in The Amazing Spider-Man #26. He had me rolling quite often in this comic book. Mr. Fantastic has great grace in this comic book too. Peter is so tortured in The Amazing Spider-Man #26. The kids that MJ and Paul found are now gone. I think they went back to that other dimension. We also learn more about Paul's background in The Amazing Spider-Man #26.

I never really liked the Ms. Marvel character. She was sexist, and racist in the comic books I read. She also reminds me of why so many people did not like the M-SHE-U. The Amazing Spider-Man #26 tried to give her a heroic death. I will not miss that character. I hope that Peter Parker moves on and has some better things happen in his life. The Amazing Spider-Man #26 wraps up an interesting storyline.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Story: 78%
Family Friendly Factor: 59%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Wells, Romita Jr, Hanna, Menyz
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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