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The Amazing Spider-Man #31





The Amazing Spider-Man #31 


Hopefully you participate with our FFG Haul live streams around the end of a month of the beginning of the next month. I talked about The Amazing Spider-Man #31. I am not a fan of these large comic books. Part of that has to do with the price. The Amazing Spider-Man #31 costs ten dollars brand new. It is a very large issue. The Amazing Spider-Man #31 also has #925 on it. I suppose that is how many The Amazing Spider-Man comic books that have been released. The Marvel universe must have reset at some point. There will be spoilers in this review.

The Amazing Spider-Man #31 has five pages of comic book content then a two page credits and recap, then thirty-one pages of the main story in multiple chapters, then a five page story, then a three page story, then a seven page story, then an eight page story, then a four page story, then a five page story, then a two page story, then a three page story, and finally a five page story. There are some things in The Amazing Spider-Man #31 that I am not aware of. The last story is a sequel to some other story but I have no clue what that other story is or was.

The issues families can have with The Amazing Spider-Man #31 are bad language, blood, violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, alcohol, women partying, rudeness, hatred, sex outside of marriage, and more. Black Cat breaks up with Spider-Man for a really strange reason. They are not trying to change one another. They are accepting the other person for who they are. That is a reason to end a relationship in the writer's minds. I guess Peter needs to be freed up to date someone else.

The main story in The Amazing Spider-Man #31 is about Tombstone and a wedding. Someone comes to the wedding to kill Tombstone. Spider-Man saves his life. As far as I could tell the happy couple never got married due to the attack and violence. MJ got powers in one of the stories and is grieving badly because the kids got sent back to their world. Ms. Marvel is alive somehow and Peter Parker shares his secret identity. The whole Krakoan backup does not make much sense to me.

The Amazing Spider-Man #31 also has stories that connect into Spiderwoman and Spiderboy. Kraven the hunter has a few pages in The Amazing Spider-Man #31 too. Doc Ock is at this bar and wants to bring back the Superior Spider-Man. I heard from other sources that story is returning in the future. There are different art styles used in The Amazing Spider-Man #31. They start good and really drop off pretty fast in The Amazing Spider-Man #31. Some of them near the end are not impressive at all. Like the goose story. Why was that needed?

I do not comprehend advertising all these other series in The Amazing Spider-Man #31. I have no interest in reading them. The pages given in The Amazing Spider-Man #31 do not interest or entice me. The main storyline is good but only thirty-six pages of the eighty. A lot of The Amazing Spider-Man #31 feels like wasteful filler. I find it interesting that the men are responsible in their night before the wedding and women are insane. Is The Amazing Spider-Man #31 part of the war on men?
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 71%
Replay/Extras: 90%
Story: 73%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Wells, Romita Jr, Laiso, Hanna, Menyz, Valenza
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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