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Ultimate Invasion #2





Ultimate Invasion #2 


I am continuing my exploration of Ultimate Invasion with the Ultimate Invasion #2 comic book. This comic book is thirty-two pages long and costs $5.99. It is down eight pages and three dollars. I am a bit baffled at the price point these comic books are selling for. Ultimate Invasion #2 teaches me that the main bad guy is called The Maker. He is making the world as he sees fit. There will be spoilers in this review.

The Maker is manipulating time with his Immortus Engine in Ultimate Invasion #2. The interesting thing is all these heroes show up to attack The Maker and the heroes he has defending him. There is a page on Ultimate Invasion #2 that explains which heroes have been neutralized or tamed in Ultimate Invasion #2. This is of course an alternate dimension where The Maker completely controls the world.

The Maker in Ultimate Invasion #2 reminds me of Krang the Conqueror in the first season of Loki. All of the outcomes are controlled to keep the world just the way one bad guy wants it to be. The Maker also took damage at some point as part of his head is missing in Ultimate Invasion #2. He claims to have transported his vitals to somewhere else. The Maker also knew when heroes would appear and attack him.

The issues families can have with Ultimate Invasion #2 are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Advertisements can be found throughout Ultimate Invasion #2. There are also pages that tell us what chapter we are on for example. There is not much at the end of Ultimate Invasion #2 though. The next issue page does not really show us much in Ultimate Invasion #2.

There is an interesting version of The Hulk in Ultimate Invasion #2. I am not sure how certain heroes were tamed in Ultimate Invasion #2. The time machine concept is interesting in Ultimate Invasion #2. Certain people are killed to stop the heroes that were created that came into his dimension. I am not sure where they came from though. Another timeline or the future. Ultimate Invasion #2 is getting more interesting but continuing to leave large gaps.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 65%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Hickman, Hitch, Currie, Sinclair
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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