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Ultimate Invasion #3





Ultimate Invasion #3 


I feel like I am missing the entire point of this Ultimate Invasion comic book series. Ultimate Invasion #3 continues down the path of what the Maker has been doing. In some ways what is going on in Ultimate Invasion #3 reminds me of The Matrix movies. I will try to get back to that thought in just a little bit. There will be spoilers in this review of Ultimate Invasion #3.

Howard Stark is going down the rabbit hole and things are getting weirder and weirder. Leaders from the seven major nation states meet in Ultimate Invasion #3. They are actually working together. One of them at a time is seen as evil by the rest of the world. This is done so the little people stay in line. The premise is the little people need someone to hate to keep on living. This whole argument reminds me of the Matrix movies.

Howard Stark does not see this as a good course of action. Howard and Tony Stark are going to try and fight this evil. The Maker also wants Howard Stark to work with Reed Richards in Ultimate Invasion #3. The interesting thing is Reed Richards is wearing a Doctor Doom mask in Ultimate Invasion #3. There must be some twist of irony to that in the Maker's mind. The Epilogue shows Kang the Conqueror with an army of heroes ready to attack.

The issues families will have with Ultimate Invasion #3 are violence, blood, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Ads can be found throughout the Ultimate Invasion #3 comic book. There are twenty-eight pages of comic book content within Ultimate Invasion #3. The epilogue in Ultimate Invasion #3 is three pages. There are some other pages in Ultimate Invasion #3 that feel wasted to me. Like two for the credits and one to tell you the chapter.

Ultimate Invasion has not impressed me one bit. Ultimate Invasion #3 references that this storyline ends with the next issue. I am actually pretty happy about that. I have that issue and will be able to finish off this franchise when I read the next one. Ultimate Invasion #3 cost $5.99 when I bought it brand new. The bald gray Hulk in Ultimate Invasion #3 is definitely different.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 65%
Replay/Extras: 60%
Story: 65%
Family Friendly Factor: 55%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Hickman, Hitch, Currie, Sinclair
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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