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X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1





X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1 


When I used to read comic books decades ago I remember the Unlimited were a different universe and a different version of characters. So I decided to purchase a copy of the X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1 comic book. I should have suspected something was up with the whole green concept within X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1. Please be aware there will be spoilers in this review. Thankfully there are only two issues in this storyline.

X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1 follows Nature Girl. She is a mutant that faithfully follows the Gaia religious belief. She finds a turtle that dies on a beach after eating a plastic bag with the logo of some grocery store on it. This sends Nature Girl into a murderous rage where she starts killing off blue collar workers for doing things she believes are bad for the planet. I can see the happiness in this murderous spree from the radical far left writers that embrace this kind of hate.

The issues families will have with X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1 are violence, blood, murder, hate, Gaia religious teachings, bad language (in symbols), evolution, attacks on authority, attacks on police, and more. Wolverine is sent to capture Nature Girl so she does not need to spend any time in jail for her serial killings. The level of psychotic content within X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1 is high.

Readers can find ads throughout this entire comic book. The content contains forty pages and costs $5.99. Normally I would think this is a good deal. The horrible hate content within X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1 makes it something I never want to see again. I need to finish this series off at some point with the other issue. It is really tough to read this kind of content with so many hard working blue collar workers being slaughtered for doing their jobs and making the world a better place.

Nature Girl gives Wolverine the slip multiple times within X-Men Unlimited X-Men Green #1. She is just so much better than him. I honestly do not believe that. I am also disappointed he is trying to keep her from facing justice for her crimes. Nature Girl is the perfect example of how people afraid of mutants were right. What happens when a mutant abuses their power and starts killing off good people? Who will protect us from these monsters? The other mutants have not stopped her yet, or protected the people who she murdered in cold blood. And then her and her accomplice Curse steal their lunches.
- Paul


Graphics: 50%
Writing: 50%
Replay/Extras: 40%
Story: 40%
Family Friendly Factor: 50%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Duggan, Laiso, Rosenberg
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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