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Young Justice Targets #4





Young Justice Targets #4 


I am very thankful I had the money to purchase a copy of the Young Justice Targets #4 comic book. This series is starting to finally go some places and get some explanation as to what is going on. Young Justice Targets #4 ties together quite a few threads and lets us know where we are going in the next couple of issues of this limited series. There will be spoilers in this review. Like the first three comic books we have fifteen pages of content and then five pages of a memory.

The memory within Young Justice Targets #4 continues the story of Green Arrow saving the princess when she was a kid. The Outsiders go on a mission to try and save the princess in Young Justice Targets #4. The Outsiders are Beast Boy, Superboy, Wonder Girl, and Star Girl. Since they wind up over their heads they bring in the Mongoose Squad. The members of the Mongoose Squad are Static, Blue Beetle, Foragers, Windfall, Livewire, and Kid Flash.

The issues families can have with Young Justice Targets #4 are blood and violence. The first page of Young Justice Targets #4 has a news report from the Galaxy Broadcasting System (GBS) that brings new readers up to speed. Ads can be found throughout the Young Justice Targets #4 comic book. There are a couple of major surprises that turn up near the end of Young Justice Targets #4. We find out what was going on in that mine.

The predictable shock in Young Justice Targets #4 is the item in the purse of the princess was kryptonite. It was found in the mine and she was trying to secretly get it to the Justice League. This is why Black Canary and Green Arrow are in comas. The prison break of Count Vertigo was something to throw the heroes off the proper path. They did of course assume he was involved in what was going on. They are now behind the eight ball trying to find the queen.

There is some question about Beast Boy since he had a relationship with Perdita. Metallo makes an appearance at the end of Young Justice Targets #4. He is a totally different guy from previous versions of Metallo. I am not sure why they needed to give the Metallo mantle to someone completely new and different. I guess DC cannot be happy with any of the previous people who were Metallo. Always gotta have someone new there.
- Paul


Graphics: 64%
Writing: 67%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 72%
Family Friendly Factor: 67%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Wesman, Jones, Wright
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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