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Adventure Time #13





Adventure Time #13 


Adventure Time #13 is another comic book that I found on one of our trips to McKay's in Nashville. This comic originally sold for $3.99 and I paid $4.75 for it. So Adventure Time #13 went up in value over the eleven years since its release. I also noticed Adventure Time #13 is in pretty good condition. I would guess an eight rating or higher. The credits can be found on the back of the front cover of this comic book.

This review of Adventure Time #13 will contain spoilers. There are three stories within Adventure Time #13. The first story continues the BMO getting hacked by a virus and this virus taking control. The trio of Finn, Jake, and Marceline decide to go and hack the devices to get them back to normal. Finn and Jake have no clue what they are doing in terms of hacking in Adventure Time #13.

Adventure Time #13 does provide some great background in the story telling. We learn the name of the personality that takes over BMO and the other robots. That character is Ewlbo. Finn, Jake, and Marceline also find a computer version of what created Ewlbo. This is discovered in an old base where computers are still active. This virtual creator decides to go and take over the virus (which is technically two viruses that merged).

Adventure Time #13 ends the main story after fifteen pages. We get a little twist to the ending and find out that the next issue will wrap up this storyline. The next story we get is The Devilish Devourer of Delicious Delicacies and it is two pages long. Honestly this is a throw away that does not even belong. There is a bit of violence in the Adventure Time #13 comic book.

The final story in Adventure Time #13 is four pages long. That last story is The Princess of Rad Hat. Finn and Jake beat a monster and free a kingdom. Since they did so Finn is made the princess of this land. There are plenty of objections to this since Finn is a male. The hat character does not care. Is Adventure Time #13 an example of radical far leftists trying to brainwash kids into the mental illness of gender dysphoria?
- Paul


Graphics: 71%
Writing: 75%
Replay/Extras: 64%
Story: 71%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Kaboom Studios
Author: Ward, North, Lambs, Wands, Lesnick, Schweizer, Watters
Rating: ‘NR’ for Not Rated

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