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Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures





Barbie Dreamhouse Adventure 


Ya’ll know me. I am not afraid to play a video game designed for girls. I am not one of those angry hater gamers that throws tantrums playing a video game where I am not the intended audience. I ask myself does it reach the intended audience. I also live streamed Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures on the Nintendo Switch for just over fifty three minutes. If you missed it then you can check it out in the video section of the Family Friendly Gaming website.

In the research I performed on Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures I found it that this video game was an app on iOS and Android and then ported over to the Nintendo Switch. The cool thing is there is a physical copy of Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures on the Nintendo Switch. I love it when video games are given physical copy versions. It is also great to know the Nintendo Switch is powerful enough to run iOS and Android apps.

There are four floors in Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures. We can go around and do a few different things within Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures. We can look at the different rooms and select the question mark circles and find out about the different areas. We can cook food, grow vegetables, and place characters in certain areas. The characters will lightly interact with the areas. Put two of them in chairs in the pool area and they will emote at one another.

Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures also lets players make changes to the house. We can change the wall colors and furniture in certain areas. We can put characters on a train and watch them go around this area. We can give the characters different things and have them interact. When characters go into the pool or shower they put on a bathing suit. The animals can also be put places and they will have certain poses.

Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures is a cute little video game for girls. There is not a lot to do in my opinion. We can plant, water, and cook but there is no need to do any of it. We can make greeting cards for characters. There are plenty of characters we can put in the rooms in Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures. There are some neat things like no girls allowed in the bathroom if there are boys already there.

I find Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures to be a bit small for a video game on the Nintendo Switch. At the same time if you want to play around with Barbie in a virtual environment Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures is pretty good at that.
- Paul


Graphics: 85%
Sound: 80%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Gameplay: 90%
Family Friendly Factor: 90%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Budge Studios
Developer: Budge Studios
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY

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