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Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8





Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 


This has been quite the exciting month for me in comic books. Do you have any idea why? Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 is the last issue in this series. I have wrapped up yet another comic book series forever and ever, amen. I am really happy getting done with this series. Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 wraps up the storyline. There will be spoilers in this review.

Batman, Robin, Catwoman, and Talia fight past the undead dogs, and talons. They find Man Bat in Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8. Man Bat helps the heroes find the origin of the Court of Owls. All of these villains are locked up in cages. This is why there has been no crime in Gotham. Ras al Ghul is behind the entire thing. Talia had no idea this was going on either.

Batman finds out something interesting about the miracle grain from Poison Ivy in Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8. During the fifth generation the wheat will make human beings infertile. Ras explains to Batman that there is another grain he can give to people that does not have this problem. That way Batman can weed out the people they no longer want around. Breed out certain traits.

The issues families can have with Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 are violence, blood, gore, undead and more. There are twenty pages of comic book content within Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8. There is also a preview for The Sandman in Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 that amounts to seven pages. Advertisements can be found throughout this comic book.

Batman rejects Ras offer in Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8. In my mind if he can get the one without the defect why not use it for everywhere and everyone? Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8 is really short sided. The villains are released in Batman The Adventures Continue Season Three #8. This comic book ends this season and lets readers know the adventures will continue in the future.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 71%
Replay/Extras: 71%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 63%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Burnett, Dini, Templeton, Kubina
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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