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Black Clover #3





Black Clover #3 


It has been awhile since I last read a Black Clover manga book. I had a little extra time this month so I decided to check out Black Clover #3. I feel the flow a lot better in this manga book than I have in the past. Black Clover #3 contains chapters seventeen through twenty-five. The weird thing about Black Clover #3 is the chapters are called pages. Why is that weird? The pages have multiple pages within them.

There will be spoilers in my review of the Black Clover #3 manga book. The end of Black Clover #3 contains a side story and some art pages. There are also advertisements for other manga books near the end of Black Clover #3. The conflict between peasants and royals continues in this fantasy world. The royals think they are so much better than the peasants because they have money.

The issues families can have with Black Clover #3 are violence, magic, blood, bad language, lac of attire, enticement to lust, and more. The dungeon arc concludes in Black Clover #3 with some fighting and then the characters reach the treasure hall. Asta continues to prove himself in Black Clover #3. The main characters then get to meet the Wizard King in Black Clover #3. They brought back a magical book from the dungeon.

It looks like a new arc is starting in Black Clover #3. The capital is attacked by wizards in Black Clover #3. These are peasant wizards who are attacking based on the poor treatment they received from royals. I wonder if this series will touch upon the idea that royals created this problem and should treat others better. I will need to keep reading to find that answer.

Asta gets a second sword from his book in Black Clover #3. He now has a magical blade that can syphon off the magic of those attacking him. This is an upgrade from his sword that negates all magic. Asta can use both of these swords at the same time. Asta is certainly getting much stronger in Black Clover #3. I am starting to get into this series a little bit after reading Black Clover #3.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 71%
Replay/Extras: 76%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Manga
Publisher: Viz Media
Author: Yuki Tabata
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY {Fantasy Violence}

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