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Cable #1





Cable #1 


Months ago I heard about the Cable limited run comic book series. I was not very interested in having this comic book series added to my comic book pull with the store. Then I was in the store looking around and saw Cable #1. I changed my mind and I decided to go ahead and purchase, read and review this series. I vaguely remember Cable fondly from the past. I did not remember he was so cynical though.

There will be spoilers in my review of the Cable #1 comic book. There are twenty-seven pages of comic book content with a few advertisements found throughout. The cost of Cable #1 is $4.99. I feel like the price is a bit high for the amount of comic book content contained, especially when compared to comic books with thirty pages of comic book content for the same price. The intro page also contains the credits.

Cable goes and saves a younger version of himself in Cable #1. This gets really timey wimey after a bit. The two versions of Cable work together. They are going to ignore the Orchis organization and instead deal with the threat of Neocracy. A lot of Cable #1 feels like a detective novel. There is some graphiti that was illegally drawn somewhere. The two Cables work together to find out who is behind this.

At the end of Cable #1 the two Cables break into a company and try and find where the source of the threat is coming from. The threat turns everyone into the same kind of creature. It is like a virus where free will is being destroyed. The reason for creating this virus? To get rid of hate. This sounds like something the out of touch with reality liberals would try. The two Cables are trying to stop this thing from ever being developed.

The issues families can have with Cable #1 are violence, lack of attire, evolution belief and more. The art work is decent in Cable #1. There is plenty of dialogue. I like how the older version of Cable knows what the younger version is going to say about certain things. I am curious how the younger version of Cable was captured. There is a lot of talk in Cable #1 of visiting multiple different timelines.
- Paul


Graphics: 65%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 65%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Nicieza, Eaton, Smith, Nava, Tartaglia
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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