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Cable #2





Cable #2 


There are some definite interesting aspects of Cable #2. I am curious where this limited run story is going in the near future. Cable #2 has a similar flow to the first one. There are twenty pages of comic book content within Cable #2. The cost of Cable #2 was $3.99. The first page within Cable #2 is the recap and credits page. There are plenty of advertisements found throughout the Cable #2 comic book. Some of the advertisements contain blood.

There will be spoilers in this review of the Cable #2 comic book. The issues families can have with Cable #2 are violence, lack of attire, enticement to lust, and more. Cable #2 promotes the religious belief of evolution. This is a pretty standard thing for a lot of the mutant comic books that Marvel publishes. It actually surprises me when that content is not included in an X-Men comic book.

Cable fights off the Grey Gargoyle in Cable #2. The younger version of Cable known as Nathan got turned into stone. Thanks to the techno virus the older Cable is able to defeat the Grey Gargoyle. Then his computer system lady is able to find an island where human trials are happening. So the older Cable grabs his younger self and they leave for that island. The duo have a little lunch and then off to storm the next lab.

Cable #2 get really weird and strange in Cable #2. The older Cable gets really messed up in Cable #2 when he finds this energy collecting area. The Black Womb makes herself known in Cable #2. She faces off with the younger Cable in Cable #2. She actually freezes him so it looks pretty bad for the heroes of tomorrow. Of course that is a standard comic book thing. Make it look bad for the heroes so you will buy the next comic book.

I wonder if the next comic book will follow the same formula? I hope the next issue does shake things up a little bit. I want to know what happened to the older Cable of course. I am curious why this Black Womb wants to unify all of humanity into one Borg like collective. Will she be the queen in charge of everyone? Does she get converted too? Cable #2 kept my interest at the very least.
- Paul


Graphics: 61%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 69%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Nicieza, Eaton, Smith, Nava, Tartaglia
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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