Captain America 2023 #3
This is the third issue I read of this comic book series. Thus far
Captain America 2023 has not impressed me. I am leaning more and more
toward the side of stopping this series after the fifth issue. They will
need to pull some amazing cat out of a hat for me to want to keep
reading. The good news is one of the storylines is getting close to a
climax in Captain America 2023 #3.
There will be spoilers in this review. There are multiple different
storylines and thread going on in Captain America 2023 #3. Modern day
Captain America is consulting on a case where the occult was used to
burn someone alive. The thing is the building did not burn down. The
heat required to burn someone to ash would be pretty high. Captain
America's symbol is also found in this room with all this occult
Why are these people being murdered? They are future change agents. Can
you guess what Captain America is? He is also a future change agent. At
the very end of Captain America 2023 #3 the demon possessed Emissary is
attacking Captain America. Captain America 2023 #3 ends with a to be
continued. We will find out who wins that battle in the next issue. At
least I hope we will.
Another thread going on in Captain America 2023 #3 is the past with a
young Steve Rogers harassing Nazi's. The mafia gets involved and wants
to help the young Steve Rogers out. Captain America 2023 #3 contains
twenty-one pages of comic book content. There are advertisements found
all throughout the Captain America 2023 #3 comic book. There is also an
art page in Captain America 2023 #3 that I read in other Marvel comic
The final thread in Captain America 2023 #3 is the demon and his humans
that are working together to murder the future agents of change. That
thread and the modern day Captain America thread come to together at the
end of Captain America 2023 #3. The issues families can have with
Captain America 2023 #3 are violence, demon, possession, burned alive,
magic, occult, and more.
- Paul
Graphics: 61%
Writing: 70%
Replay/Extras: 65%
Story: 70%
Family Friendly Factor: 62%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Straczynski, Saiz, Hollingsworth
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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