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Captain America 2023 #6





Captain America 2023 #6 


My day keeps getting better and better. Want to know what makes my day so good in relation to the Captain America 2023 #6 review? This issue wraps up this storyline. I was only reading this new Captain America series until I finished off the storyline. Now that is done, and I will stop reading this Captain America series. That puts quite the smile on my face. The first page in Captain America 2023 #6 is a recap/credits page.

Captain America 2023 #6 contains twenty-two pages of comic book content with advertisements found throughout the comic book. There is a page within Captain America 2023 #6 devoted to the next issue. Captain America 2023 #6 cost me $4.99. I honestly feel like the price is pretty high for the amount of comic book content. I know of other comic books selling for a dollar less and they have the same page count.

There will be spoilers in this review. Captain America 2023 #6 hops us around different time periods. In the past a young Steve Rogers is trying to save New York from a giant bomb. In fact he drives this truck with the bomb into the water and barely gets out alive. In fact in the past storyline within Captain America 2023 #6 we find out how close to death he actually is. I figure the Super Soldier program is what eventually saved him.

In the current timeline Captain America fights off the demon possessed man. There is some blood here and there in Captain America 2023 #6. Dr. Strange sends some enchantment to Captain America's shield so he can fight this demon. Captain America winds up winning in Captain America 2023 #6. The demon is vanquished with a bit of violence. There is also violent content in the past where they fight Nazis.

I honestly am so sick and tired of the extreme radicals on the far left constantly throwing Nazis out there as some boogie man. Like there is a Nazi behind every single tree. In the current timeline of Captain America 2023 #6 this family leaves New York because there are Nazi symbols on the wall near where they were living in their van. I already decided I was done with this series and this is one of the many reasons.
- Paul


Graphics: 60%
Writing: 66%
Replay/Extras: 62%
Story: 66%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%

System: Comic Book
Publisher: Marvel
Author: Straczynski, Medina, Grundetjern
Rating: ‘T’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY

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