Dark Knights of Steel #10
Dark Knights of Steel #10 is an interesting story that explains a lot
and has a major villain reveal in it. Dark Knights of Steel #10 cost me
$3.99 when I purchased it. There are twenty-two pages of comic book
content within Dark Knights of Steel #10. There are twelve issues in
this entire storyline. I missed quite a few of them, but decided to
finish off the story.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Dark Knights of Steel #10
comic book. I enjoyed The Green Man story in Dark Knights of Steel #10.
The Martian Manhunter is interrogated by four queens in Dark Knights of
Steel #10. The lasso of truth is put on him and he answers truthfully.
We find out what happened on Mars in Dark Knights of Steel #10. We also
found out one of the White Martians is behind everything in this series.
The issues families can have with Dark Knights of Steel #10 are lack of
attire, enticement to lust, violence, blood, gore and more. The bad
content could have been much worse. In fact I read numerous comic books
where the bad content is definitely way worse. There are plenty of dead
bodies shown in Dark Knights of Steel #10. Many of the dead characters
have arrows in them.
Constantine feels horrible in Dark Knights of Steel #10. His wise
counsel lead to so many deaths for so many characters. I believe Luthor
is killed in Dark Knights of Steel #10. Advertisements can be found all
throughout the Dark Knights of Steel #10 comic book. This was an
interesting era is terms of what other comic books were being released.
I wish I did not miss so many in this series.
There are not a lot of White Martians left in Dark Knights of Steel #10.
I am curious to see how that fight goes. I think I have the next issue
or two. I will enjoy when I can work that into my reading schedule. Dark
Knights of Steel #10 has good art, and plenty of emotion in terms of
loss. Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy are both fantastic in Dark Knights of
Steel #10.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 77%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 77%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Trycor, Putri, Prianto
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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