Dark Knights of Steel #11
I continue to work through my pile of comic books one day at a time.
I do have hope that within a year I may actually get caught up if I
continue at my current pace. Dark Knights of Steel #11 is the latest
comic book to come up to be read. I am honestly not that into Dark
Knights of Steel #11 as I was some of the previous ones. I am still
curious to read the entire storyline but Dark Knights of Steel #11 did
sour things for me a bit.
There will be spoilers in my review of the Dark Knights of Steel #11
comic book. Advertisements can be found all throughout the Dark Knights
of Steel #11 comic book. The cost of Dark Knights of Steel #11 to me was
$3.99. There are twenty-two pages of comic book content within Dark
Knights of Steel #11. This is the eleventh of twelve issues. Dark
Knights of Steel #11 sets up for the finale.
The issues families can have with Dark Knights of Steel #11 are
violence, blood, gore, and more. The white Martians are revealed in Dark
Knights of Steel #11. The white Martians are making Kryptonite weapons
to be able to kill those from that planet. The humans and others know
that fire hurts the White Martians. That is used to their advantage in
Dark Knights of Steel #11.
There is a controversial and divisive advertisement in Dark Knights of
Steel #11 that supports sinful behaviors and lifestyle choices. I am
shocked that such content was included in Dark Knights of Steel #11.
Alfred also known as Martian Manhunter in Dark Knights of Steel #11 is
freed. Alfred finds out that Bruce does not hate him. In fact Bruce has
warm feelings toward him. He did not like the deceit but he understands
The prisoners in Dark Knights of Steel #11 are freed. Even the one that
murdered the king. This shows the prisoners that they are not monsters
as they once believed. Dark Knights of Steel #11 showed me that Amanda
Waller is working with the White Martians. Things are not going so good
for the White Martians but General Waller has a plan. I have a feeling
this plan will fail badly.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Writing: 72%
Replay/Extras: 70%
Story: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 57%
System: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Author: Trycor, Putri, Prianto
Rating: ‘13+’ for THIRTEEN and OLDER ONLY
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