Demons of Asteborg Astebros
When it comes to Evercade cartridges anymore I have little to no idea
what I will be getting in most cases. Demons of Asteborg Astebros is a
great example. About all I knew was there are two indie video games on
it. These indie video games were recently made for the 16-bit era. The
two games on this cartridge are Demons of Asteborg and Astebros. I
played these two video games for a live stream on our Rumble channel.
I will openly admit that I am not into Demons of Asteborg Astebros. I
did not like Demons of Asteborg Astebros. I did not have fun playing
Demons of Asteborg Astebros. I do not mind the retro graphics. I do not
mind the retro controls. I do not mind the retro music. There is one
thing I really did not like about Demons of Asteborg Astebros. The one
thing I did not like was the convuluted controls to be able to progress
through the levels. I ran into a spot where I got completely and totally
stuck. I died again and again in this game. Why did I keep dying? I did
not know to do a combination of two buttons to be able to get the
drawbridge down. I hope that has a lot to do with the Evercade and not
the game, but I do not know for certain.
The issues families can have with Demons of Asteborg Astebros are false
gods, magic, violence, witches, demons, and more. Each of these games
has a rather deep storyline that the player is introduced to when they
start playing these games. I suppose that makes sense in some regards.
The graphics are old. The music is old. So the thing the creators of
these games focused on was a storyline that they hoped would engage and
interest gamers. As a Christian gamer it did not reach me very well.
Which is sad they did not consider targeting the super majority of
Americans based on our beliefs.
I have said it before and I will say it again. I wish there were more
than two games on the Demons of Asteborg Astebros cartridge. I know
Blaze Entertainment does this with quite a few indie cartridges. It is
nice to get a physical copy of these games. I just wish there were more
than two. I am sure there is more than enough memory on the cartridge to
include mode than the two games included. I doubt I will ever come back
to this cartridge.
- Paul
Graphics: 60%
Sound: 65%
Replay/Extras: 50%
Gameplay: 60%
Family Friendly Factor: 60%
System: Evercade
Publisher: Blaze Entertainment
Developer: Neofid Studios
Rating: ‘NR’ - Not Rated
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