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Disney Illusion Island 


I never know what I am going to get with any video game I decide to live stream. I am very happy I decided to live stream Disney Illusion Island from start to finish. Hopefully you were able to catch those live streams on YouTube and Rumble. Disney Illusion Island is a lot funnier than I expected. I believe Disney Illusion Island is based off of the newer Mickey Mouse cartoons. The artwork is distinctive in Disney Illusion Island. There will be spoilers in my review of the Disney Illusion Island video game.

There is some cartoon violence as different characters take damage from a plethora of sources. Up to four family members can enjoy Disney Illusion Island. We generally avoid the enemies in Disney Illusion Island. There are objects that will drop on the bosses heads if we hit all of the objects on the screen. Or swing from them. There are different ways to success in different portions of Disney Illusion Island. I enjoyed figuring out what to do in each of the bosses in Disney Illusion Island.

The level design in Disney Illusion Island is extremely tight. We will revisit different areas once we have certain upgrades. For example we cannot reach a certain spot until we have the ability to float on the updrafts. Once we have that ability then we can go back to previous areas to access new locales. There are plenty of secrets hidden all around in Disney Illusion Island. I focused on getting through the game personally. It took me around seven to eight hours to completely beat Disney Illusion Island. I found some secrets but not all of them.

Disney Illusion Island is a fun and fresh Metroidvania 2D side scrolling console video game that families can enjoy. There are some challenging parkour spots in Disney Illusion Island. The most hearts I could have were three. So that means I could not lose three hearts going from mailbox to mailbox in Disney Illusion Island. The mailboxes are the continuation points. I loved the teleport to a mailbox once that was unlocked. There are some neat sequences in Disney Illusion Island where we jump, dive, float, and then swing for example.

There is a great lesson in Disney Illusion Island about correcting your mistakes. Mickey and Friends helped the bad guy thinking they were helping good characters. They then fixed their mistake at the end of Disney Illusion Island.
- Paul


Graphics: 80%
Sounds: 85%
Replay/Extras: 80%
Gameplay: 75%
Family Friendly Factor: 80%

System: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Disney Games
Developer: Dlala Studios
Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Violence}

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